How to Play


How to observe the graph?

Observe the graph carefully. Is it a constant, linear, polynomial, or sine function? Identify significant points, such as where x=0, and check where the graph intersects the y-axis. Then, based on these observations, try to determine the function that best describes the graph.


Which graphs are displayed?

It's either a constant, linear, polynomial (with exponents of -2, -1, 2, or 3), or a sine function.


How to submit your answer?

Submitting rules a very simple. Here are some examples and how to write them: constant: 3 or -2, linear: -2*x+2 or 2.4*x-1, polynomial: -x^-1+3, 2.4*x^2+2.5, sinus: 0.4*sin(x-0.1)+2.16 or -2*sin(x+2.3)-1.


Submit your answer!

Submit your guess. If the function changes, you earn a point and move on to guess the next one. If the function remains the same, your answer was incorrect, and you must guess again.

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